
Mint New Tokens

You can mint a single NFT, create your own collections, and even set up your own sales platform through this page.

Artist Info

Drag and drop an image or click to choose.

Recommended dimensions: 120px Wide by 120px High

Drag and drop an image or click to choose.

Recommended dimensions: 3840px Wide by 260px High

Social Links

Collection Details

Drag and drop an image or click to choose.

Recommended dimensions: 256px Wide by 256px High

Drag and drop an image or click to choose.

Drag and drop an image or click to choose.

Recommended dimensions: 851px Wide by 315px High

Final Mint Date

Set Expiry Date

The final date new tokens can be minted to this collection. To allow minting indefinitely, turn off the "Set Expiry" switch.

Token details


You can create rarity presets. If you choose to have token packs, there will be an option to set the probability of receiving more rare NFTs depending on the pack settings.

Additional Traits

Each NFT in a collection will have the same traits to choose from. Set as many as you'd like here.

Provide CSV for Metadata

You can upload a CSV file to automatically set metadata for the NFTs you will upload. Download a sample CSV below which will include headings for the traits you set previously.


You can set royalties for all NFTs here. NFTs with custom royalties will retain them unless you use the "Update All" button below.

Upload Images

Drag and drop an image or click to choose.



Select this box to enable fungible tokens. This is useful if you are selling trading cards or other tokens which will have more than one copy of each token.

NFT Details

Sale info

If you choose not to setup a sale, the NFTs will be sent to the artist address as they're minted.

Create Sales Portal


Pack tokens


If you want to sell or give away tokens that represent "packs" of NFTs, such as for card packs or other bundles, select this box to create them.

Use Custom Probabilities

Probability Type 1

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